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Through tears of painful burning
A fog of pepper mists
Swirling in the hot night
Among cries of helplessness
Blurred vision not returning
To see the blue through darkness
And quenching thirsty yearnings
I learn to love the taste
Of what was once a weapon
Whose anger now erased
Again I find myself among the mire
Deep within the jungle as darkness settles
Dampness thick in the air
A lone man pedals
Alarms sound wildly as I go
Stench of garbage flows
Dim lights glare
Shadows long and ominous
But for nothing there
And grueling hatred follows
A man who flees his past
He slithers through a puddle
Strewn with broken glass
Focused on his ends
Hoping on all hope
To find the final glory
Untie his binding rope
Pushed aside unconsidered
Kept in silence alone
But for a word given
And not allow me to speak
I sit in quiet solitude
Beaten down and weak
For all I have to offer
Disregarded for others driven
I wait my turn in earnest
Beneath this box I live in

Pressing past my past
Envisioning what's to come
To feel the new beauty
And hope for it to last
I see so many futures
Yet I am troubled by the pain
That comes from simple living
In efforts yet to gain
But beyond the many failures
Come peace from up above
And save us from our hateful lives
With small tokens of love
I wander alone among the unknown
Seeking the meaning of what is not shown
Have I stumbled upon something anew
Known by only a few unable to view
Shall I summon a source literary dark horse
Found purely by force on a twisted course
Refer to the guide as I take this short ride
Reveal this new side attempting to hide
Needing this release I call the police
Search for my peace hoping to cease
Open the book to have a good look
Wondering aloud
Enter a world where
Nothing is known
And words thrown out
For simplest of things
Are best to describe
Actions shown
Leaving no doubt
Not forced confusion
Or subtle black ops
Don't make me have to
Call the copse
Waves of peace roll over
The end of pain in sight
An entrance to a new world
Freedom from this fight
A sea of life before me
An ocean of hate behind
At tunnels end I see my light
I've searched but now I find
To see what is ours
But not to reach
To hold fast the dreams
We struggle with fate
And hope it is kind
Our youth we will teach
Their peace we should find
Erase all the hate
Through the windows
Of the mind.