Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Endeavor Defeated

Of elusive pursuits
That often slip away
Chasing after them
So much to say
Freedom escapes
Upon each open door
Enemies focus
And dreams are no more


  1. Wow.. this says a lot...
    "Freedom escapes
    Upon each open door"
    Lines that reveal a darkness, you find almost everywhere.. Great work!

  2. how true is that..good one!

  3. Do you suppose this is what that nice girl in the window is thinking? Sometimes life seems like that, I've been there.
    I need to rent a garage, do you suppose ...

  4. Sometimes it seems that we are locked into living in someone else's high rise and the fire escape is blocked!

  5. Nice work here. 4 to 5 powerful thoughts intertwined. The trick is to dream, no matter what our enemies might do.

  6. I loved this, especially the last two lines. Powerfully put.

  7. some pursuits are indeed elusive!! a very good take! :)

  8. Those pursuits, like youth, are elusive.

  9. This is one of the coolest blogs I've run across in a long time! Would you be willing to share with me how you did your header? I loved browsing what you have to offer! Thanks!


  10. My dear Jukota. I have made the banner from many layers of various images supermposed upon one another with varying opacities. I then spelled out the title in a chosen font and took to animating it. Through a series of frames each rearranging every letter separately, I created the appearance of dancing letters all scurrying to find their rightful place to spell out my title. It is a long and sometimes tedious process but it can turn out to be worthwhile, especially when someone as yourself takes the time to notice and remark upon it! I am using a version of Photoshop that happened to be loaded on a computer I aquired during a home invasion last year. It was difficult to master but with enough time alone with it, I find myself getting better and better each time I attempt a new project.

  11. somehow paired with the image, it seems to convey that the lack of will is not only because of circumstances but because the enemy is not only of others but ourselves, there's a sadness, of poverty of the mind and body

  12. Elusive, indeed. The harder dreams are chased, sometimes the faster they flee! Nice work.
